Dapat juga DVD arcGIS 9.3 versi crack maklumlah harga originalnya selangit, dengan paket ArcGIS ArcView, berbeda dengan 9.2 yang dengar-dengar paketnya menggunakan paket ArcInfo, penulis coba instal di komputer kantor dengan cara standar yang terdapat di dalam buklet DVD termasuk cara instal cracknya seperti di bawah ini :
1) install “license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe”
and use “license_server_setup\37102011.efl9″ as license file
2) copy *all* files from “license_server_crack\” to the
license server install-dir replacing existing ones
(yes, especially the lic file – the moronic LMSetup.exe sent
the ARC/INFO feature to oblivion *argh*)
3) start the license-server
(you may have to logout/login to make it work)
4) install the application
5) copy “data_interop\fme_license.dat” to
“install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension”
6) start “Desktop Administrator” and
* “Software Product”: choose “ArcInfo (Floating)”
* “License Manager”: change to “localhost”
* “Availability”: select “ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)”,
in the pane below that selection you should see a lot of licenses
7) when starting the different apps for the first time make sure
to select all extensions in the options menu
Tidak semudah yang dibayangkan, penulis mengalami sedikti kesulitan sampai langkah ini pada saat mengubah license manager menjadi local host, dicoba lagi gagal lagi.
Terpaksa googling (cara terjitu) beberapa saat, akhirnya dapat juga 31 langkah dan crack terbaru untuk mengganti crack bawaan DVD yang baru dibeli itu, bisa di download di sini, supaya amannya proses instal dialihkan di laptop pribadi. Di bawah ini step-step yang baru ditemukan, bisa dicoba.
1- open the “ArcGIS9.3Crack” file
2- open the “License_server_Setup”
3- Run the “Lmsetup.exe”
4- The ArcGIS 9 License Manager Setup windows will pops up
5- Browse the input box
6- select the the “37102011.EFL9″ from the same Directory (ArcGIS9.3Crack/License_server_Setup)
7- click on Next o run the program
8- Dont reboot your system
9- copy *all* files from “license_server_crack” to the license server install-dir in your C:Program files/… (Overwrite all of them)
10- Reboot your System now
11- change the name of “37102011.EFL9″ to “license.lic”
12- Open the new “license.lic” file with your notepad to edit
13- Replace the server name “this_host” with your computer name
14- Open file and save the change
15- copy and Paste “license.lic” in your License server Direction on C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x
16- Now run the “lmtools” from the same directory (in step 15)
17- the “LMTOOLS by acresso Software Inc.” windows will pops up
18- select the “Configuration Using Services”
19- select the “Config Services” tab
20- Leave the service name as shown ” ArcGIS License Manager”
21- In the “Path to the lmgrd.exe file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/lmgrd.exe
22- In the “Path to license file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/license.lic
23- In the “Path to debug log file” just browse and select ” ArcGIS_LM ” from the pops up window
24- Select “Start/Stop/Reread” tab
25- Click on “Start server”
26- Click on “Reread “
27- Now instal the main program
28- Do not register
29- Copy “data_interop\fme_license.dat” to “Program install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension”
30-start “Desktop Administrator” from Start/Programms/ArcGis/Desktop Administrator and do modify it as follow:
* “Software Product”: choose “ArcInfo (Floating)”
* “License Manager”: change to “localhost”(browse to your computer)
* “Availability”: select “ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)”
31- Make sure to select all extensions when starting the different applications for the first time from the Tools/Extension
Dua langkah terakhir tersebut untuk mendapatkan seluruh fungsi extension. Jadi walaupun yang di install adalah paket ArcGIS ArcView namun yang didapat adalah paket ArcGIS ArcInfo. Sekarang coba jalankan program ArcGis – ArcMap, bila yang tampil seperti gambar di atas maka instalasi berhasil jika belum coba diulangi lagi.